Why sell genuine SAMSUNG supplies?
Want satisfied customers? When your customers use authentic SAMSUNG products their prints will look great and their printer will be optimized for superior performance. Best of all, your customers will enjoy a hassle-free experience.
Need more reasons?
Partner with SAMSUNG
Now you can boost your sales and be rewarded at the same time. The SAMSUNG Power Partner Program (P3) includes four tiers of service for partners that match sales and marketing resources with different sales levels.
Environmentally responsible
SAMSUNG’s Takeback and Recycling (S.T.A.R.) Program is a great competitive tool you can use to encourage customers to purchase genuine SAMSUNG supplies. SAMSUNG makes it easy to recycle properly, making sure supplies don’t end up incinerated or in a landfill. When you sell genuine SAMSUNG supplies, you’re not only helping customers get the results they deserve, you’re also helping the environment.
SAMSUNG's Printer Trade-in program (T.I.P.) helps out customers who have old laser printers trade-in their old models and get discounts on new SAMSUNG Printers.
Fast-growing company
According to Lyra 2006, SAMSUNG is the fastest growing company in the printer supplies field, while other companies’ growth have slowed or diminished.
Fewer returns
Your customers will enjoy reliable, consistent results.
Protect you and your business
Dealers who handle, distribute or sell counterfeit supplies face civil or criminal charges. Selling counterfeit supplies undermines your credibility and damages the trust you’ve earned with customers and business partners.
When in Doubt-Check it Out
Please report any suspicious incidents or offers through the When in Doubt, Check it Out (WIDCIO) program of the Imaging Supplies Coalition (ISC) by visiting their site: http://www.isc-inc.org/productauthentication.htm. You'll be able to submit questionable or suspicious SAMSUNG laser cartridges and toner supplies to the ISC for authentication.
The truth about supplies
Think the profit potential doesn’t exist in workgroup color printers anymore? Think again. You can achieve your full sales potential by selling genuine SAMSUNG supplies.
Myth #1
In a budget-focused economy, the top three selling points to stress are price, price and price.
False: Many customers focus on the upfront investment and are tempted by the lowest sticker price. Help clients see the bigger picture for the total cost of ownership and they’ll save money in the long run. A winning strategy is creating long-term business relationships based on expertise rather than price competition.
Myth #2
The market for workgroup colour printers is dominated by one or two brands so there’s no point in exploring the product lines of other vendors.
False: Some of the most innovative and profitable color printers are coming from other "unexpected"’ brands. In the latest Everything Channel 2008 Channel Champions survey, SAMSUNG consistently placed among the top three vendors. SAMSUNG was also a top-three leader for categories like Product Quality and Reliability, Output Quality and Speed, and Serviceability.
Myth #3
There aren’t any major benefits to using colour toner cartridges manufactured by printer OEMs. Besides, markups on lower-cost knock-offs can mean extra margins for solution providers.
False: Using manufacturer-authorized cartridges save customers money through lower total cost of ownership costs while also achieving optimal printer performance. Industry research shows that:
1. Genuine cartridges produce considerably higher page yields compared to knock-off brands. This means customers replace cartridges less often and pay less per page
2. There are less maintenance and repair costs for customers since off-brand cartridges have been known to leak toner into printers
3. Warranties for alternatives often fall short of what original manufacturers offer
Realize the benefits of selling genuine SAMSUNG supplies and enjoy the rewards of satisfied customers and increased sales. Shop genuine SAMSUNG supplies now.
